Cold Storage:

Harbour Grace Cold Storage can handle all of your cold storage and shipping needs. The Cold Storage has a capacity of 2.200 pallets in racks and 200 pallets of floor space. The temperature is maintained at -28°C or lower - records from the automatic recording systems are kept for 2 years. There is an area for sorting in front of the cold storage, complete with wrappers and weigh scales. Three loading doors for containers are available to ship product out upon request by customers.

The Operations Manager is in charge of the cold storage,
sorting, loading containers and reefer vessels - see details
under "Discharge".

When requesting information about your product in the
cold storage, request for transfers and loading of
containers, etc contact:

Amy Parsons, Operations Manager
Tel: 709-596-0097 ext 236
Cell: 709-685-7374